Sunday, May 30, 2010


Stuff. Why do teachers hate that word? It is actually one of MY personal favorites. It has two consonants in a row and rhymes with bluff. Bluff is clearly a great word, because there is an "L" in it. "L"'s make anything better. Anyways. Recent updates on my life- in list form:
  1. Yesterday, I saw "Letters to Juliet" with Aideen. It wasn't an amazing movie, but it was sentimental and it touched my heart. And my tear ducts. I was bawling my eyes out for the last half an hour. I couldn't take all of the Romeo and Julietness of the whole shebang, so I silently cried as I stuffed my face full of $4.25 worth of Junior Mints. Poor Aideen got maybe 5 Junior mints because that was all that was left by the end of the movie. Woops!
  2. Then Aideen fed me tacos and root beer floats later that night. I don't know how difficult you'll find it to believe, but I'd never had a root beer float before. Aideen's mom said that floats were more of a west coast thing.
  3. This morning I got back to my house at 12ish. I ate a fudgicle, which served as my lunch, showered, and hopped into the van with soaked hair. My immediate family plus grandparents were off to Boston, the city of smog, fog, and the Red Sox. It was a bee-yoo-tee-ful day, full of chirping pigeons and only the occasional roadkill. We met my aunt, uncle, and cousin, and we took one of the Boston movie tours led by a guy named David. Dad clearly knew more about the movies than poor David, who studied something or other in Vermont. Dad was leading the tour better than the tour guide was! My uncle and I volunteered to read a couple of lines from the script of some movie. Uncle was "Al" and I was "Mr. Cheeseman". There were no other guys who wanted to be Mr. Cheeseman, so I sacrificed my dignity and became THE best female Cheeseman known to the world. Everyone was laughing by the end of our little scene, including me. For my "superb" acting, I got three "Boston Movie Bucks" which I was collecting throughout the tour, because the person at the end of the walking hour and a half long tour with the most tickets got a prize. I had 5 total at the end- 3 for acting, 1 for naming who was the mall cop in the movie "Mall Cop" (Kevin James) and 1 for going "OH YEAH!" in a very sarcastic tone when David said "Now we're going (someplace that I forget)!" I was the only one who showed any excitement over his statement, however darkly it was said.
  4. I shredded papers in the paper shredder today! I LOVE SHREDDING PAPER! It brings me joy to put entire papers to their sad death in the form of rotating metal blades. Ahhhh the sweet irony of it all.
That is all, I suppose. I'm so excited that there is no school tomorrow! I'll sleep until 9 at least, and I WILL roam the streets of the neighborhood! I will, I tell you! I WILL!
Yours in exhaustion,


That's my sweet lil' cuz Tori! She'll be one next month! Woo hoo for baby chub!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Better Late Than Never!

I know I'm a week late on this one, but it's not entirely my fault! The blame is shared between Me, Myself, and I! I mean, I don't know if you know this, but Me is a dedicated procrastinator! In all honesty though, I was lazy. I, Sarah Anne Fill-In-the-Blank, was a lazy blob. I didn't want to figure out how to get the pictures from Mom's camera onto the computer. So finally, Mom asked Dad to do it because she wanted me to write about the one... the only... KISS CONCERT 2010!!! I woke up at 9:30 Saturday morning, feeling that I had plenty of time before Megan came to pick me up at 11:30. But before I knew it, it was 10:30 and I still needed to shower and fold the laundry and gather up my belongings which would be necessary to survive for the next 24 hours away from home. Now, unless you don't know me, you know that it takes me at least 15 minutes to shower, and then I dawdle because after a hot shower, I feel soooooo tired and I want to curl back up in bed. Which is why I have to wake up at 5:15 on school mornings so I have enough time to shower and eat breakfast before I'm out the door at 6:33. So I rushed this shower and got downstairs with sopping wet hair at 11. I grabbed the first load of laundry and ran to the living room floor, where I began my folding frenzy. I didn't dare put my iPod on, because I didn't want to miss the pizza guy who was bringing pizza from the BEST pizza place in town. After Pizza Boy came with my "3 lb. pizza straight from Boston's North End!", I finished folding and was running around gathering up sunscreen, my camera, chapstick, socks, and an extra pair of shoes (you never know when you're gonna need more shoes). I shoved everything into my Aerie sports bag, grabbed my sleepover bag and sleeping bag, and hurled the cats downstairs just as Megan arrived.
Just to clarify- I did not ACTUALLY hurl my cats down the basement stairs. I merely used the world "hurled" as an exaggeration. No animals were injured in the pre-concert minutes.
I stuffed my many bags and warm pizza in the back of Megan's car and climbed in. We sang along to the radio as we pulled up to Sorrell's house. I don't know why, but I noticed that her shirt was a yellow that reminded me of the sun in the spring. It was a very cheery color. (I was wearing my gray shirt with the fuzzy pink music notes and my music note earrings. Plus my Mardi Gras beads. I love my beads! :-) )
For an hour, we sang more songs on KISS108 and ate pizza. I eat like I take notes- fast and messy. I had eaten three pieces by the time Sorrell finished her first. That might have been because I neglected to eat lunch in my morning rush. We arrived at the Comcast Center in record time, I grabbed ANOTHER slice of pizza to eat during our hike over to the gates (I'm a pig), and after double checking to make sure we had cameras and whatnot, we walked past the security guards with grace, dignity, and excited screams. After Megan's mom purchased us KISS t-shirts (THANK YOU MEGAN'S MOM!!!) we grabbed seats on the lawn and scouted out where all the important places were. i.e. the bathroom, the nearest snack stand, the prime spot for seeing the stage, etc. Sorrell and Megan stalker-called everyone who we knew was there, trying to get them to visit us because we were bored. Catherine and Tenley couldn't find us, but Aaron and Nick visited, much to our disappointment. :-( After trying to buy our t-shirts off of us for $75 (we bought them for $25, but I don't think they knew that) because they got here too late and they had all sold out, they annoyed the baloney out of us. And Aaron made a remark that he couldn't hear someone singing because she was "so blonde", and then this really ticked looking blonde girl in front of us turned around and went "Excuse me?" And we started hysterically laughing when her friend turned around and said "She's not really blonde. She dyes her hair, you can see her roots!" At some point that afternoon I was trying to keep my feet from getting stepped on by Nick, so I put my foot on his, and he put his other one on top of mine, and I put my right foot on top of his, which caused him to fall into someone's tray of chicken fingers and fries. He had been leaning on Sorrell's shoulder, but she moved away just as he lost his balance, and I almost peed myself laughing when he sat up with fries stuck to his hat! Oh, Nick. Your bewildered face was priceless when you looked up at me. I thought I was either going to die from the lack of oxygen entering my lungs from all my laughing, or you were going to end my life sooner than I expected. Lucky for me, Ke$ha came on right after and Aaron HAD to get down to his seat where he could see his future wife better. Who knows what would have happened otherwise.
There was some really great music, and some bands that will definitely be popular soon if you haven't heard them already. The one I remember most vividly was 2 AM Club, and although I don't remember the names of their songs, I remember that I like them a lot!
And here is the abbreviated ending to my first concert-
We ate brownies on the way home in the car (my sister had made them the night before), and we reminisced about our favorite singers, particularly Kris Allen, Adam Lambert, and Jason Derulo. ;-)
Once home, we got in our pajamas, grabb
ed some popcorn and fruit salad, which was weird, but that's okay because I like fruit salad as long as I'm not allergic to any of its contents, the first Shrek movie, and settled down to watch late into the night. Sorrell was asleep before the movie ended, but Megan and I, who were on the air mattress, stayed up whispering about kicking squirrels and liking it, and watching really funny youtube videos. We zoned out at 2, waking up at 9 to eat muffins and French toast. After showing Sorrell the videos from the night before, and the voice recording we made entitled "Megan Kicking a Rabid Squirrel" we packed up our bags, and after profuse thanking for taking us out the night before, departed.
Phew. I really go on forever, don't I? I find the need to expand things more than I should. But it is my duty, to you, to blog about my daily life. Or weekly. Depending on my laziness at that moment.
Love y'all lots,

Sunday, May 23, 2010



sisters by soul

quiet and shy?


try outta control : )

friendship is like peeing on yourself
everyone can see it, but only you can feel it.

"Where's Hollister?"

*sniff sniff*

*pointing left*

"That way!"

Yeah, I'm dorkier than a box of nerds
...So What?

miss kindergarten,
when drama was when
someone stole your crayon

Don't make decisions when you're angry.
Don't make promises when you're happy.

When I was little...
and mad at my mom
I would step on the cracks in the sidewalk.

The average person tells
4 lies a day or 1460 a year;
a total of 87,600 by the age of 60.
And the most common lie is:
I'm fi ne.

but seriously..
who else secretly wants a
waterproof phone
so you can text in the shower?

pardon me,

sir gangster? your trousers are descending.

i love that one! who doesn't love it when someone says "trousers"? :-)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Charlie Zee Feesh

Chahhhhhhhhhlay bit my fingah! Owwwwwwwwwwwch Chahhhhhhlay!

This very hi-def picture of a blue blobbish thing is actually my fish, Charlie. Obviously I didn't name him. If I had, I probably would have named him something more intelligent sounding, like Einstein, Beethoven, or Steve. I like the name Steve. It has a nice ring to it. Charlie just celebrated his first birthday here. We were awarded Charlie for watching my neighbors' twenty or so pets while they were on vacation in April 2009. In honor of Charlie, who has suffered very much over the past year, I decided to interview him on how his first year in my house has been.

Me: So Charlie. How's life treating you?
Charlie: Glub glub glub.
Me: I'm glad to hear it. I have to say I've been doing pretty well myself. But tell me, why is life so wonderful?
Charlie: Glub glub blurgle.
Me: Really? Oh wow! New fish food? Would it happen to be Market Basket Brand?
Charlie: Blurgle blub blub?
Me: Oh yeah. I forgot that you don't get out much. Do tell our viewers about some of your experiences over the past 365+ days you have spent in my kitchen.
Charlie: Blurb bluggle gurble blub blub grubble blub glub.
Me: Is that so? Do you mean to tell me that about six months ago, Julia and I cracked your vase while cleaning it? And we neglected to notice the water leaking out of the crack in the bottom when we placed you back in?
Charlie: Blub.
Me: And no one noticed until Dad walked by and saw that you were swimming in two inches of water?
Charlie: Blub.
Me: Oh, how dreadful! I'm so sorry! I sympathize with your pain!
Charlie: Glub.
Me: Tell me about some other awful tragedies that have occured recently.
Charlie: Blurb blurgle glurgle glub glub glug burb blub blurb gluggle bluggle!
Me: Shhhhhhhhhh! I KNOW that I occasionally forget to feed you! That's what the check-off list entitled "Did Anyone Feed Charlie?" hanging on the refrigerator is for! Ahem, hem, cough cough. Anything else you would like to share?
Charlie: Bluggle glub glub glub blub blubble, blurb blurbly blubble!
Me: I don't care if you don't like them, the cats aren't leaving anytime soon!
No further comment

Needless to say, it wasn't exactly the interview I dreamed of. Who knew fish were so tempermental?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Extremely Lengthy Post

My throat hurts, my ears ache, and my feet are bleeding. Throw that all in the great big pot of "no sleep, lots of sugar" and you get one really messed up looking chick. (That would be me.) Unless you are completely oblivious to the world of the socially elite, you would know that all of the previous indicates a wild school dance. Nothing like spending your Friday evening with 400 of your closest friends and enemies, dancing in a gym that just celebrated its 100th birthday. Oh yeah. Livin' the dream, baby!
The initial "excited for the dance/yay it's Friday/TONIGHT'S THE DANCE!!!" vibe began at approximately 6:43 yesterday morning, as I skipped my way to the bus stop. There is nothing like a good morning skip to really pick you up! Ya know? That first bout of excitement peaked on the bus when Catherine and I began belting out
Shake you body down to the ground!

Morning rush numero uno ended in the midst of science, due to a combination of boredom and too much morning pep. That is not to say that there was another morning rush. Because there wasn't. I was wiped out for the rest of the time spent in that little fire hazard of a building. That afternoon, I arrived home in a state of elegance, after having tripped a small twig on the long trek up my never-ending driveway. Luckily, no one was around to see me during this moment of extreme grace. But honestly, come on! A decade of ballet for that? Once safely in my twig-free house, I dropped my bag on the bench, plugged my iPod into my head, blasted my favorite song of the week, ("When I Grow Up", by the Pussycat Dolls) simultaneously beginning the laundry. (This summer, Julia begins her two year long laundry service! Wooot!) Once the colored load was in the washing machine, I grabbed some Windex, OxiClean, paper towels, and a toilet brush. To instill in myself some needed confidence for this nasty job, I switched tracks, from "Break Your Heart" to Christina Aguilera's "Fighter". And then...



Of course, I only said that in my head. I didn't actually speak those words aloud. There's only so much crazy you can do in a day. I was relieved of bathroom duty when Megan arrived, thanks to the super power of Mom! I can't believe I just said "bathroom duty". Should I delete that...? Megan arrived for the very first time at exactly 3:38 to see not only my house, but me running out my door towards her car and doing spazzy jumping jack things. I believe I slightly intimidated her brother, whom I enjoy calling Zeke, even though that's not his real name. Poor Zeke probably didn't like it when his little sister ran into a strange house with Spazzy Jumping Jack Girl. Megan entered my house "ooooh"ing and "aaaaah"ing at our large T.V.'s. I scored big when I got a dad who likes large T.V.'s. She dumped her multiple bags in my room, which isn't more than 15'x15', and we ran downstairs to wait for Sorrell and Catherine. After waiting for an eternity of 10 minutes, Sorrell arrived, and shortly thereafter, Catherine did as well. So we proceeded up 14 stairs, down a hallway, and to the right, to the girliest room of all time, filled with pink, yellow, and flowers. I settled in for the long haul in my rocking chair, doing math and geography homework with the assistance of Megan's iTouch calculator. Within minutes, my room reeked of hairspray and nail polish, so I yanked open the windows and started the ceiling fan.
Blah blah blah, we danced, we sang, we laughed, we cried because we laughed. I even bled a little. Which is weird, because then I had the bleeding foot thing later that night... Anyways, at 5:30, we descended the stairs to eat dinner, which consisted of spaghetti and bread. Oh yes. BREAD. Shannon arrived just as we were sitting down, and after we scarfed down that totally healthy meal, complete with Smart Balance Butter, we headed upstairs for the final time for mandatory "RUSH RUSH RUSH, MOVE MOVE MOVE, WE ARE IN A TIME CRUNCH, LADIES!!!" hour. I made sure everyone had their tickets, and we piled into the van and were off! It was incredibly stuffy, but we didn't dare risk an opened window, for fear of mussed hair. We smiled insanely at passing cars and sang loudly and off key-ly to the newest KISS108 songs. We glided up to the sidewalk in a van of blue, in front of a smallish car, behind a police car. As far as I know, Mr. Officer Man was just there to supervise. No one commited any actual crimes. I think the local criminals prefer to break the law on weekdays. Even people running from the law have things to do on Friday nights.
Into the swarming mass of bodies we went! People hugged, people "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"'ed, people took pictures, etc. At least, they took pictures until they were instructed not to, lest their phones be taken away. No phones were seen after that. It was a CRAAAAZY fun night! I danced my feet off, shook my head until my eyeballs almost fell out, and sang so much that my voice cracked when I was saying bye to everyone. But the BEST part was dancing with Jonnnnnnnnnnathannnnnnnn. How ditzy did that sound? Not that I care. I refuse to take it back! :-D

At home again, we were nothing but mindless zombies, slumping onto my bedroom floor as, one at a time, we used the bathroom to get ready for bed. Downstairs an hour later- Shannon, Sorrell, and Megan set up their sleeping bags on the floor, and Catherine and I reigned Queens of the Couches. After about a half hour of "What A Girl Wants", three out of five of us had gone to sleep. I IMed Jon for a bit, and then, thinking everyone was asleep, turned off the computer and tiptoed into the family room, to find that Shannon was still awake. So we watched the rest of the movie together in the quiet house, full of sleeping chicas. Sometime in the middle of the night, I awoke to hear someone walk into the refrigerator after trying to navigate her way through the darkness of the house. I just smiled silently and went back to sleep.
So here we are. It's taken me three hours to type this, because I got bored so many times that I started watching T.V. on the computer instead. But I am FINALLY done. And no, I will not go and highlight all of the words that I capitalized/put in quotes/put in parenthesis. I might just do paragraphs. I'm gonna go read a book.

Sarah out.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dhaidí Breithlá Happy!

Or "Happy Birthday Dad!" in English! Thank you so much for all you do for Nick, Julia and I. I'm very proud to call you my dad. We love you lots, old man!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Slow Dance

Some people say this email is a hoax. A fake. Baloney. And it very well might be. But it's still an astounding poem, one that I hope to learn from.

(Supposedly written by a teenage girl with cancer)

Have you ever
watched kids

On a merry-go-round?

Or listened
to the rain

Slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a
butterfly's erratic flight?

Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.

Don't dance so

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Do you run through each day

On the fly?

When you ask "How are you?"

Do you hear the

When the day is done,

Do you lie in your

With the next hundred chores

Running through
your head?

You'd better slow down

Don't dance so

Time is short.

The music won't last.

Ever told yo
ur child,

"We'll do it tomorrow"?

And in your haste,

Not see
his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,

Let a good
friendship die

'Cause you never had time

To call
and say,'Hi'?

You'd better slow down.

Don't dance so fast.

Time is short.

The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhe

miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry
through your day,

It is like an unopened gift

Thrown away.

Life is not a race.

Do take it slower

Hear the music

Before the song is over.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


, spontaneous, giggly, whimsical
Daughter of Mom and Dad

Lover of food, family, and fun.

Who feels as busy as a bee, yet as strong as a rock that can weather any storm.
Who finds happiness in the smallest things, because somehow, they mean the most.
Who needs light, laughter, literature, and love to fuel her heart and mind.

Who gives a shoulder to cry on, a hand to help, and an ear to listen.

Who fears failing a test so important that her family will regard her as a disappointment forever.

Who would like to see a world free of poverty, war, hunger, and hatred.

Who enjoys chasing the ice cream truck down the street, to barter for the frozen bliss she cr
Who likes to wander the streets of her neighborhood, having directionless conversations with her friends in foreign accents.

Believer in the power of words.

Listener to the rain tap-dancing on the roof, lulling her to sleep.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Billion for A Billion

I'm making it a goal for me to donate one million grains of rice on this year. What are you going to do?