Saturday, December 18, 2010

But Darling...

...I'd still catch a grenaaaade for yuhhhhhhhhh!
I'd throw my hand on a blaaaaade for yuhhhhhhh!
I'd jump in front of a traiiiiiiin for yuhhhhhhhh!
You know I'd do anythiiiiing for yuhhhhhhhh!

I've fallen head over heels for this song and smile maniacally whenever it comes on the radio.  For whatever reason, hearing a song on the radio brings me more joy than it does on my iPod.  Because if it's on the radio, it's a special treat and stays my favorite song for a longer period of time; on the other hand, if I get a song I like on my iPod, I brutally stab the "play" button for an hour after downloading it, and then I move on to a new favorite song.
And just in case you were wondering, I haven't abandoned you.  My computer died and I was tragically  Internet-less for a whole four days.  This was last weekend.  We borrowed a relative's laptop for "homework" purposes for the past couple of days.  I could've chosen to write a blog post on the laptop, but I really hate typing on laptops because my wrists arch all weirdly and it's just an uncomfortable experience.  But now our good old (and I mean old) Dell is back from the shop and in its former working condition.           However, I do miss the track pad on the laptop, because it seems like so much work to move my hand from the keyboard to the mouse now.  The point of this... I'm back, and maybe will post more soon.  Probably not because of history and ELA projects due this week, and Christmas around the corner, but it never hurts to hope.
Ta ta!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Great Big Sigh of Sadness

To my utter despair, today was the last day ever of Computer Class.  (Now say it again, but use so much sarcasm that you spit a little.  Especially in despair.)   We did four projects total, including-
  1. A video with pictures from Google that has the pictures change with the beat of the song.  Unless you have no musical gift whatsoever, and you just change the pictures whenever you feel like it.  For those of you that did that, be ashamed.
  2. A spreadsheet.  YAWN.
  3. A Stop-Action video project.  My group video came out okay, but not good enough for me to want to keep it.  We used pipecleaners.  I supplied them, because I'm so willing to give.
  4. And lastly, a stupid 3-D model of our stupid houses, on some stupid program that is stupid.  Mine was awful and the similarity between my house and the digital one was about 30%.  I bet I got a D on that project.
So the only one I wanted to keep was the video with pictures.  We could do it on any topic we chose (I chose something I love more than my right hand) and had to have around 100 pictures.  Not to brag or anything, but... I had 183 pictures.  Overachievers, UNITE!  For your viewing pleasure, please enjoy the following work of art entitled "Sarah's Breakfast Food(s)".  (I couldn't remember if there was an "s" or not.
When I showed it to my family, the timing was off, and I was all ticked and up in the computer's grill going "So this is how it's gonna be?  THIS. IS HOW.  IT'S GONNA BE?!?!?!"  (I figure it counts because I said it in my head, if not aloud.)  So if the timing appears to be off, it's because it is.  But I still wanted to show it because the pictures are amazing and appetizing.  What's awful is I worked on this for 2 weeks, and had to wait a whole class after Computers until I could eat lunch.  I hope you understand how much I suffered to give you this work of art.  You're welcome.
Love and hugs,
P.S.  BTW, I know it ends really abruptly.  I didn't have time to fix that and now have to live the rest of my life knowing that something I created is imperfect.  Oh, woe is me!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving: A Brief Overview

Ten Things I Am Really Thankful For
  1. my family
  2. teachers
  3. soldiers
  4. my parent's jobs
  5. my friends 
  6. muffins
  7. pants
  8. my house
  9. internet
  10. chairs that spin
That was a legit list that I made in school yesterday.  Except I didn't put down "friends".  My friends brought that up after I had already written the final copy in marker and I told them that they are ranked so high that there isn't a spot prestigious enough on that list for them.  (I really just forgot about them.  I think they knew that.)  I forget what I put on the list instead of them though, so they'll have to do.
Me, Aunt Tina, my cousin Teighan who is rubbing a spitty car on his face, and that other kid.  (Look at how tall I look!  And I'm not even wearing shoes!)  This is about an hour after ingesting disgustingly large amounts of food, 80% of which was bread.  I swear, I ate half a loaf of scali. 

I'm also grateful that I went to SYTYCD Live in Manchester a couple of weeks ago and met the top 6 and some of the All*Stars in person.  I never posted about it because the pictures were on Julia's camera, and I was too lazy to figure out how to get them on the computer.  This happened during the end of September, so you can see how technologically incompetent I really am.  I am super grateful that my mom went with me and was even willing to wait for an hour after the show ended in the back parking lot with me and my SYTYCD crazed dance friends for autographs from the contestants and stars.  I sat next to my friend Jess who is Robert's future wife.  Maybe Kent and I will get a house near theirs.  :-D  (Is "theirs" a word?  It looks weird.) When the screen was rolling up at the very beginning of the show, and you could see the dancers' feet marching, then their knees, then their hips, theirs stomachs... and I couldn't see after that because I was crying so violently.  I'm pretty sure it was shock from being in the presence of such amazing people, but it could've been Jess screaming for Robert that induced my never ending flow of tears.  I have a picture of it on the computer, but it's so horrifying that if I put it here, I would probably have to live in the middle of nowhere, maybe Nebraska, for the rest of my life living on grass and jar of applesauce.  Let's see if I can just describe it to you.
  • The background- an abyss of dirty-looking dark brown.
  • In the foreground- my face (taking up about half of the picture) in a disturbing shade of red, and my eyes so squinty they're slits, (yet slits that are big enough to be able to release tears from).  My mouth is huge, screaming incomprehensible screams.  
  • Peaking out from around my  mungo head is quaint little Jess, who although is clearly in shock, doesn't look like she's about to spontaneously combust. 
The dances were amazing, and some of them that I had forgotten about were even better in person.  My favorite one, "My Chick Bad" was even more impressive in person, even though Twitch wasn't there, and his role was played by Dominic.  The best part was the end, when Sophie, Jess, Ashley, Zoey, me, and our various parents waited out back with the rest of the stalkerazzi and got our pictures taken with them!  Which brings me to the last thing I am extremely grateful for...

I am grateful that Kent Boyd touched my shoulder.  MY SHOULDER.  With the same hand that was on t.v.  And see that glimmer in my eye?  (Pretend you do.)  That's a tear.  Of unadulterated joy.  And bad lighting.  Not only did I push the others aside to get to be the one to stand next to Kent, I am also possibly the only girl in America to ask Kent to sign her shoe.  My friends were so embarassed to be with me.  I loved that.  (Sometimes I act embarassing in public just to humiliate my friends.  Let that be a lesson to you.)  So yeah, I was casually hanging out by the security gate, with  my foot up on the bar, peering around everyone, in severe pain because jeans aren't supposed to be stretched that way, but it was okay, because it was for Kent, and for the humiliation of my friends.  Sadly, he didn't even flinch when I asked him to sign my shoe.  But maybe he'll remember me.  So when I'm president of the U.S., he'll be all "Oh yeah, you're the girl from Manchester whose shoe I signed!"  And I'll be all "Yeah.....  I still have it in a glass case.  I hope you don't think that's creepy."  
No, it's not really in a glass case.  It's in my closet, pushed aside because the fabric part of my high tops was ripped from the rubber part after the last school dance.  You can see my sock when I wear those shoes now.  I'm getting new ones on Sunday!  Woot!  There's nothing better than the smell of new sneakers.  Except maybe Walmart.  
Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Google and Write

THE VORTEX OF SWIRLING COLORS:  This picture makes me think something along the lines of "AHHHHH!  MY HEAD!  THESE NEON COLORS ARE GIVING ME A MIGRAINE THE SIZE OF AUSTRALIA!"  And it's hard to disagree with me, no?  Because what earthly being who has the misfortune to gaze upon this mistakus ofus colorus doesn't immediately think "It's like being stoned to death, except they use bright colors instead of stones, and instead of dying, I'm about to throw up, most likely on this rainbow."  Don't tell me you didn't think that.  I thought we agreed not to lie to each other.

THE "HAHA, I HAVE YOUR STUFFED CAT YOU LOSER!" AD: Something similar occurred to me in sixth grade.  Catherine and I were at the bus stop one winter morning, and there was snow everywhere.The large collection of snow at the corner of the street where we wait was disgusting; splattered with dirt, Dunkin' Donuts cups, and a present from Fido.  But there was something special about this mound of snow.  WE R WHO WE R  It came in the form of a soggy stuffed bunny, carelessly tossed on the pile.  I felt really bad for it, because I have a problem, thinking that all inanimate objects have feelings.  And I'll probably regret putting this on the internet, but whatever.  In my sock drawer, my socks are lined up SINGLE LADIES very neatly, in nice, orderly rows.  And I wear them in the order I put them there, because if I don't, some poor pair of socks will probably get pushed to the back, buried beneath the other junk I keep in that drawer, and will never see the light of day (or my delightful smelling feet) ever again.  And I couldn't bear the guilt that would cause.  Anyways, Catherine and I left the stuffed bunny there for a couple days more, and when the snow had melted enough for us to climb over the snow pile, we placed it in a bush that was relatively snowless and offered it some shelter from the weather.  ONLY GIRL IN THE WORLD When, a few weeks later, the bunny was still sitting in that bush, I finally did what I had known I would do from the minute I saw its forsaken little face on that fateful winter day.  I took it home with me.  My mom, understandably, was disgusted, because who in their right mind would want a used bunny that had been sitting outside for a month?  I did.  I had already developed feelings for this unloved creature, and intended to keep it, no matter the consequences.  So Mom reluctantly gave in, as long as I put it in a plastic bag for a week (to make sure if there were any ticks, they would have died) and washed it in the washing machine afterwards.  I cheerfully obliged and even checked on Hopper every day as he sat in a Target bag next to the washer/dryer.  And when 7 days had passed, I whispered encouraging words to my new friend before dropping him into JUST THE WAY YOU ARE the vat of lukewarm water to ensure our safety from the rabid rabbit plague.  I pulled him out just as the washing machine stopped, so he wouldn't have to be trapped in that metal death cage any longer than he needed to.  That twenty-five minute ride alone could have caused irrepairable damage to his psyche, I reasoned with myself.  After a more fun ride in the dryer, Hopper was finally mine!  I placed him in the place of honor next to Big Bird, Tickle Me Elmo, and Winnie the Pooh in my bedroom, bringing my stuffed animal total up to 53.  A week  later, I had forgotten about him, and the only time I even touched Hopper was to move BULLETPROOF him so I could vacuum the floor beneath his rabbit butt.  I only just donated him to Big Brother Big Sister on Friday, so I can't supply a picture, which bothers me.  I even GoogleImaged "stuffed rabbit" in the hopes of finding a bunny similar to Hopper.  But those pretty Google bunnies are nowhere near as ugly as Hopper was, may he rest in piece(s).  I donated a whole bunch of stuffed animals, actually including my money-wasting Webkinz.  And now I have to go count how many stuffed animals I have left because I really wanna know.  
He's here!  Hopper is still here!  I thought he had gone with all my other meaningless stuffed animals to needy children!  Where is my webcam?!?!?!

BTW, I'm down to 17 stuffed animals, four dolls.  PRETTY GIRL ROCK Don't worry, I'm not that mentally unstable.
This is my natural picture-taking face.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Guilt Post

So I decided to write a post entirely about a triangle of numbers I found on the internet.  I swear on my fish's food pellets that I typed the word "random" into a Google search engine and just clicked on the first picture.  And then the majority of the post goes on about my failure at life and completely disregards the triangle.  So here goes.
THE NIGHTMARE TRIANGLE FROM COMPUTERS:  In computer class at my school, you pick the computer you will be working at for the next consecutive six weeks on the first day of class.  I always forget this fact and end up late by about two minutes, which is about three minutes too many.  Last year I ended up stuck in between Unicorn Girl (see two or three posts down) and the blond kid who doesn't give a monkey's butt about school or anything within a ten mile radius of it.  This year I was late again and although I certainly had limited choices, got to sit next to a girl whom I can talk to without worrying about having her growl at me or offer me drugs.  On Thursday this week, when we walked into Computers, which is Lazy Typer slang for Computer Class, and is by the way my second favorite specialist after art*, we were paired up with the person sitting next to us for a class-long project which will forever bring upon me a feeling of shame and stupidity.  Briana and I were partners, and at first I was all "Yay!  She's an overachiever, just like me!  We're going to ace this bad Larry!"  Ten minutes later I was yelling at myself in my head.  "SHE'S NEVER GOING TO FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!  SHE THINKS YOU'RE STUPID AND DON'T KNOW HOW TO ADD TWO DIGIT NUMBERS!  SHE'S GOING TO TELL THE PRESS THAT YOU'RE NOT AS SMART AS YOU THINK YOU ARE AND YOU'LL FLUNK OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL AND END UP SERVING GREASY RAT MEAT TO OBESE AMERICANS AND POSSIBLY FOREIGNERS!!!"  (Not that I have anything against Americans or foreigners.  You're all lovely people.)  The goal of our assignment was to add 500 numbers together, using either pencil and paper or calculator.  Half of the groups in the class got paper, half got calculators.  Briana and I had calculators and twenty minutes.  Originally, I didn't understand this assignment AT ALL and was just adding random numbers together for her to write down thinking that the object was to have the most sums at the end of the twenty minutes.  Five minutes later, I heard kids saying "We finished the first column!  Only...  7 MORE TO GO?!?!?!"  And I began to get this awful feeling in my stomach.  It was the first sign of my impending social doom.  Because we WEREN'T supposed to be adding random numbers together to get random sums.  We were supposed to be adding them all TOGETHER to find out what the total of all 500 numbers were.  So I whispered sheepishly to Briana "I think I'm doing this wrong..."  And she gave me a look that told me I was doing it 200% wrong.  So I gave her the calculator and she added up the first column.  Then she generously allowed me to try again.  That was a mistake on her part.  I kept forgetting which numbers I had added last, and had to start over again.  And again.  And again.  Until I just started typing in random numbers, and begged Whoever is up There to give me an answer that wasn't too far off the mark.  I didn't realize the the Guy up There was out fishing at the time and I left the message on his anwering machine.  Because my prayers clearly weren't answered.  The correct total of the 500 numbers was something around 15,400.  On the slip of paper I handed in, I had written 28,000 and hoped for the best.  Needless to say, Briana and I came in last and did not get the six prize lollipops.  My nubby computer teacher made a power point the next day of who came closer to the actual number.  Each slide had two teams, their place in the competition, and whether they were Paper&Pencil or calculators.  The very first slide said 

There was another team on there who was farthest from the correct answer but used Paper&Pencil.  So of course when that slide showed up there were some confused murmurs that went along the lines of "Sarah came in last place?  *pointing in my direction* That one?"  I panicked, clapped my Man Clap, which I use to intimidate others, and yelled "Whooooooo!"  Then, face red from embarassment, I finished the rest of the class in silence.

*SIDE NOTE:  I do not like art because I excel at it.  As a matter of fact, the only reason I didn't fail that class last year is because I was the least horrific of the delinquents in my specialist class.  I was a buoy of excellence in the sea of despair, one might say.  If one choosed to. Chose to.  Whatever.

Monday, October 25, 2010


A wise woman once said "Without lists, my husband would never get any household work done, my children would never know the definition of organization, my mother would never remember what pills she is supposed to take, and I would never know what food to get at Market Basket."
  1. Make cards necessary for November-
  • Aideen's birthday
  • Mom's birthday
  • Uncle's birthday
  1. clean bedroom
  2. clean bathroom
  3. make Halloween costume
  4. write a couple blog posts (SYTYCD, Canobie, Emily's drawings, Ferris Bueler, spirit week, dance party, ...  CHOOSE ONE ALREADY!)
  5. catch up recent "Blogs of Note" and posts on the blogs I follow
  6. Witch's Woods on Friday???
  7. Halloween party on Saturday???
  8. Mumble grumble fluffershnoof on Sunday?
  9. retype Josh's grammatically erred portion of Freud project
  10. research what senior citizens like to discuss
  11. finish my book
Please, oh please let this list motivate me.  Some of the things on here should've been done weeks ago.  I'll update as I finish certain tasks.  I might as well tackle the most difficult things first...  Where did I put Josh's paper? 

(\_/)   (\_/)
(._ .) (^ ^)
(># ) (<<)   I was going to give you this waffle... 

(\_/)       (\_/) 
( . . )      (-. -) 
(>#<)    (     )   But then I was like… 
(\_/)      (\_/) 
(O_O) (o.O) 
(>#<)   (^ ^)   I’M SO HUNGRY!!!!!!

(\_/)    (\_/) 
(^.^ ) (‘-.-)
(> <)  (> <)    So I ate it. Hahaha!!!

Update 1 (14:47):  Reworked Josh's paper in 5 minutes.  (And it looks a heckuva lot better.)  Next:  Pick up the random clothes on my floor. 

Update 2 (16:33):  Started picking up room, but was interrupted by a younger and maler me to ask if I would supervise he and his friend on their "walk".  I glanced around my room, thought "Mehhh, to heck with it," and walked outside with a PB granola bar and my iPod.  After chasing them around the general neighborhood on foot while they sped away on their bikes, I gave up and walked at my own pace, praying that they wouldn't get kidnapped, because that would mean a lot of paperwork, which would mean another thing on this list.  Returning an hour later, I resumed the picking up of my room, until it reached my satisfaction.  I will now tackle Item Number 10. 
Update 3 (16:53): This website has lots of information about the elderly.  Apparently, they like children, small animals, and PlayDoh.  And when I go to the senior center on Thursday, I'll ask as many people as I can who their best friend is, what their best Christmas present ever was, what games they like to play, and if they have any nicknames.  I can cross that off.  *Mentally crosses that off the mental list in my mind*  And now, for the "mumble grumble fluffershnoof" part.  I will be back!
Update 4: Thursday 10/28/10 (20:34): Many things accomplished over the past 48 hours.  I threw together my Halloween costume Wednesday afternoon at 15:30, just in time for dance at  1600 hours.  Me and my 7th grade friend Tessa were the only ones who showed up in our Halloween costumes, and we rocked the various socks and tank tops off that joint.  So that was #3 complete.  #7 (Halloween party on Saturday???) has been confirmed.  I will be attending a Halloween party on Saturday.  And I finished my book ("Hunger" by Michael Grant) this afternoon from the comfort of the new couch.  I have the third book in the series, "Lies", lying (HAHAHA!  PUNNY!) next to my bed and I'll probably go read some of it when I'm done with this.
That is all.  Return to your day.
I loved this book even more than the first!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sarah's Battle Scars

This picture is the most perfect metaphor for the unicorn/book/horse-loving girl I'm talking about.  I mean, it is so perfect it is impossible to really put it in words.  The Spiky Unicorn says all I could ever want to.
     Because I feel guilty about not writing anything, as per usual, I have decided to grace you with the Slightly Gory Odd and Disturbing Guide to Sarah's Battle Scars.  Prepare yourselves.  Find the nearest set of dragonskin armor (these can be bought from people who were bred for war.  And believe me, these people are more common than you may think.  The one I know disguises herself as a horse-loving, book-enjoying, band-participator.)  and suit up for a ride of epic battles and loss of blood.  Although I probably only lost a milliliter of blood...

Battle Numero Uno
Fourscore and seven years ago,  
     Two years and a couple months ago, I was swimming around in my pool, enjoying myself immensely, if I remember correctly.  Julia joined me in my water-related activities, and we made a whirlpool, played an awful game of two-person Categories, screamed when we saw bugs that we thought were bugs but were actually smallish leaves, and rescued each other from fake drowning.  We got tired of that pretty soon, as we were but wee things and had the attention spans of squirrels, so we invented a new game.  We called this amazing game "The Surfing Game".  It involves two people, namely, Julia and I.  One person (I) holds her breath and lays down on the bottom of the pool.  The second person (Julia) stands on top of Person One and tries to remain balanced for as long as Person One can hold her breath (Therefore, Person two is "surfing").  When Person One (me) runs out of breath, she arches her back to get Person Two (Julia) to fall off.  When I arched my back and simultaneously blew the last of my lung air into the grass speckled water, Julia stepped on my collarbone instead of falling off, leaving me with a scar at the base of my  neck.  It is an almost imperceptible white toenail-shaped mark, which, to the delight of my mother and I, has almost (but not quite) faded to the normal color of my skin.  And so began my habit of wearing a necklace every single day, because they are of just the right length to hide the tiny disfigurement.
Battle Numero Dos
     This battle story is a lot shorter than the previous one.  Partly because my eyes are already burning, and partly because I don't like this one as much because it's not as cool.  This summer we (mi familia) journeyed to the Cape Cod.  About a week before we left, Nick concocted a bad case of poison ivy.  It started on the back of his knees and spread to his legs and other various limbs.  So, as we should have figured out sooner, the backs of Nick's knees come in contact with
  • the edges of couches
  •  the edge of this here computer chair
  • rugs, if he sits with his legs straight out
  • and my foot, if I kick him behind the knees to make him fall
     So, of course his poison ivy germs had to travel from the backsides of his knees to the backsides of mine, and from there to my various limbs and feets.  So that was a major downer on the Cape Cod trip.  It's not particularly enjoyable lying in your bed, unable to sleep because you don't want to smear Calamine lotion all over the Tigger sheets you brought.  Anyways, after the poison ivy vacated my system, and the awful itchy bumps disappeared from my skin, they left behind little white scars the right side of my right knee, which thankfully have disappeared.  So I guess I can't really call them scars if they only remained there for a couple of weeks.  
     Now do you realize why I didn't want to tell that one?  It's hideously boring compared to the first one.
Battle Numero Tres
     I like this story even more than the first one, because it makes me seem all heroic and dignified and stuff.  Which believe it or not doesn't happen to me all that often.  (The heroic part.  When is Sarah ever not dignified and stuff?  Pssssh.)  We were camping in summah 2009 with the same pack of kids from this summer.  (Haven't read that post?  What's your problem?  Clicketh these here italicized words!  CLICKETH!-------> PSSST.  RIGHT HERE!So the whole lot of us were up in New Hampshire somewhere doing camping things like making s'mores, applying liberal amounts of bugspray, and stinking.  (Whole lot of us= Mom, Julia, Nick, me, Mom's friend Karen and her four children.)  We had traversed down to a pretty lake on the campground and were swimming contentedly for awhile.  Julia, one of Karen's boys who is Julia's age, and I were the oldest ones there, and we made a game of swimming out to the floating buoys and back to shore.  It wasn't even a race, it was just to see who would chicken out over the deep, dark water with swirling muck.  Needless to say, we all did it with relative ease.  We managed to swim that length of 50 yards a couple of times before all the little boys wanted to do it.  Julia managed to keep the three-year-old content by chasing him in the shallow water, but James and I couldn't stop Nick, Jonathan, or Benjamin, who were very determined to swim out there.  
     Knowing what you know about me and my lack of luck when it comes to camping, whose brother do you think got stuck out in the water that was probably two or three times as deep as he was?
That's right.  Mine.
If you ignore the fact that we're sideways, this is a really good picture, from the actual day of the loss of my toenail.  From top to bottom, James, Jonathan, Nick, Benjamin, me doing a funny lip thing, Devan, and Julia who is WAY too excited.
     I remember sitting on the sand next to Mom, drawing in the sand, when all of a sudden Julia's screaming "NICK'S DROWNING!  NICK'S DROWNING!"  Looking back on it, I think "Gosh he's so annoying.  Let him figure out how to swim back here on his own."  But I remember thinking "Holy CRAP I gotta get him gotta get him gotta get him!"  Here's where the heroic part comes in:  I swam out to the buoys faster than I ever wish to swim again and grabbed him under his armpit.  To reward me for my effort, he gripped me like I was the last taco at the Mexican buffet and made me sink like a stone.  Somehow I managed to keep both me and him afloat by holding his arm above my head and using my other arm to do a spasmy dog paddle thing.  I don't really remember what the other two kids were doing; I think they were swimming back to where their feet could touch the ground so they could stare at me in my moment of triumph as I half pulled, half dragged a spluttering Nick to the sand.  This is the moment where I remember feeling angry.  Like "What the cheesebiscuits do you think you were DOING out there?!?!??!?!"  angry.  I had been contentedly defrosting myself from the frigid pond water when he had to go and drown himself.  It was so unfair.  And the battle scar I got for saving my non-buoyant brother?  My toenail FELL OFF.  I don't know how or why, but I sat down on the towel to dry off for good, still feeling ticked at Nick, and noticed that I didn't have a left pinky toenail, which I knew had been there that morning, because I had thought "I should really remove that tiny speck of pink nailpolish", just that morning.  There wasn't any blood, so I didn't feel all that grossed out about it.  I could rub sand on it without feeling anything, and could wade in lake-muck too, so I figured was in an okay position to lay down and try to nap. 
     All is well now.  The toenail grew back, and is fully paintable.  
     I hope I've disgusted you to a level you never thought possible.  Especially with that last one.
     My current favorite song?  Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Fat Cat Sat.

There you have it.  "The fat cat sat."  There's my poetry for the day.  Here's some more, that, although I didn't write, I really liked. says the definition of love is this:
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for someone else.

I disagree.

To me, love is when your cat curls up with you when it's obvious you aren't okay. 
Love is that ugly new shirt your Mom bought just for you. Love is when your little brother gets you a bottle of water. It's when your best friend gives you a hug. 
It's laughing and rolling down a hill with your friends. 
It's the sound of your grandpa's voice. 
It's when your grandma gets Toy Story macaroni because she know's it's your favorite. 
Love is seeing your baby sister look at you with such wide, wondering eyes as you hold her for the very first time.  
Love is accepting and caring for something despite its flaws.

Love cannot be defined as one thing, but the definitions for love are

This one isn't so much a poem as it is annoying things to do on an elevator. 

Annoying Things To Do On An Elevator

1) Crack open your briefcase or handbag, peer nside and ask "Got enough air in there?"
2) Stand silent and motionless in the corner facing the wall without getting off.
3) When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to yank the doors open, then act as if you're embarrassed when they open themselves.
4) Greet everyone with a warm handshake and ask him or her to call you Admiral.
5) Meow occasionally.
6) Stare at another passenger for a while. Then announce in horror "You're one of THEM!"  and back away slowly
7) Say "DING!" at each floor.
8) Say "I wonder what all these do?" And push all the red buttons.
9) Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.
10) Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce "I have new socks on."
11) When the elevator is silent, look around and ask "Is that your beeper?"
12) Try to make personal calls on the emergency phone.
13) Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers "This is my personal space."
14) When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder, then pretend it wasn't you.
15) Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.
16) Ask if you can push the button for other people but push the wrong ones.
17) Hold the doors open and say you're waiting for your friend. After a while, let the doors close and say "Hi Greg, how's your day been?"
18) Drop a pen and wail until someone reaches to help pick it up, then scream "That's mine!"
19) Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the lift.
20) Pretend you're a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.
21) Swat at flies that don't exist.
22) Call out "Group hug!" then enforce it.

we're all a little weird.
and life's a little weird.
so when we find some
one whose weirdness is compatible with ours
we fall in mutual weirdness. and call it love.[
Her hair was up in a ponytail, her favorite dress tied with a bow.
Today was 'Daddy's Day' at school, and she couldn't wait to go.
But her mommy tried to tell her, that she probably should stay home.
Why the kids might not understand if she went to school alone.
But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say.
How to tell her classmates why he wasn't there today.
But still her mother worried, for her to face this day alone.
And that was why once again, she tried to keep her daughter home.
But the little girl went to school, eager to tell them all.
About a dad she never sees, a daddy who never calls.
There were daddies along the wall in back for everyone to meet.
Children were squirming impatiently, anxious in their seats.
Seconds slowly passed, and at last the teacher called her name, 
and when every child turned to stare, they found that
Each of them was searching for a man who wasn't there.
"Where's her daddy at?" she heard a boy call out.
"She probably doesn't have one," another student dared to shout.
And from somewhere near the back, she heard a daddy say,
"Looks like another deadbeat dad, too busy too waste his day."
The words did not offend her, as she smiled up at her Mom.
And looked back at her teacher, who told her to go on.
And with hands behind her back, slowly she began to speak.
And from the mouth of a child came words incredibly unique.
"My daddy couldn't be here, because he lives so far away.
But I know he wishes he could be, since this is such a special day.
And though you cannot meet him, I want you to know,
All about my daddy, and how he loves me so.
He loved to tell me stories, he taught me to ride my bike.
He surprised me with pink roses, he taught me how to fly a kite.
We used to share fudge sundaes, and ice cream in a cone.
And though you cannot see him, I'm not standing here alone.
'Cause my daddy's always with me, even though we are apart.
I know because he told me, and he'll forever be in my heart."
With that her little hand reached up, and lay across her chest.
Feeling her own heart beat beneath her favorite dress.
And from somewhere in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears.
Proudly watching her daughter, who was wise beyond her years.
For she stood up for the love of a man not in her life.
Doing what was best for her, doing what was right.
And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd,
she finished with a voice so soft, but its message clear and loud.
"I love my daddy very much, he's my shining star.
And if he could he'd be here, but Heaven's just too far!
You see he was a fireman and died just this past year.
When airplanes hit the towers, and taught Americans to fear.
But sometimes when I close my eyes, its like he never went away."
And then she closed her eyes, and saw him there that day.
And to her mother's amazement, she witnessed with surprise.
A room full of daddies and children, all starting to close their eyes.
Who knows what they saw before them, who knows what they felt inside.
Perhaps for merely a second, they saw him at her side.
"I know you're with me Daddy," to the silence she called out.
And what happened next made believers of those once filled with doubt.
No one in that room could explain it, for each of their eyes had been closed.
But there on the desk beside her, was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.
And a child was blessed, if only for a moment, by the love of her shining star.
And she was given the gift of believing that
Heaven  i s  never 
too  far .

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Baldness is Cool

One of my many questions about life is:
Do bald people shampoo their heads?  Or do they use some kind of special lotion?

Not exactly what I was googling, but oh well.
Shannon's dad is bald, although he prefers the term "folically challenged", so I asked her what kind of product he applies to his shiny head.  She said "Why would he shampoo, if he has no hair?"  Which is a very valid point.  She did, however, say that he applies a special lotion to his amazingly hairless head.  I think it's really cool that he has a beard but no hair.  I often think of people like him removing their head-hair and placing it upon their chin, like one of those sticky mustaches.  This paragraph is not organized at all.  I never realized how short an attention span I have.  Today in math, it was about 8:30 in the morning, I realized that my eyelids were not putting up a very good fight against gravity, and neither was my head, which kept bobbing down towards my chest as Mrs. R rambled on about the importance of verbal models and how we weren't paying attention.  Which we weren't, but who can expect us to when there are much more important things on our minds, like what kind of hair/anti-hair product the folically challenged use?  The teen years are the most troubled ones, I tell you.

I've been meaning to write about baldness forever, but I only remember during those random moments in life, like that second before I fall asleep, when I'm walking upstairs away from the computer, when I'm squished in between Megan and the Silent Ninja/Future Destroyer of the Earth on the bus, etc.  
I really hate the disorganizedness of this post.  It's gonna bug me until I edit it at a later date.  Right now, I just wanna go to bed, because tomorrow is going to be a loooooooooong day.
Dance from 5-9
Emily's from 9:10 to some point the next morning
I'll probably have to attend some soccer game.
Buenas noches.

Some people were
dropped as babies...

but i think you were thrown at  a wall.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Feliz cumpleaƱos Emily!

(Insert picture of Sarah and Emily here)
I was looking at the pictures on my computer that we have of me and the birthday girl, but as it turns out, there is  no photo of just me and her, and the ones we have from my birthday are all very bad.  As in, I have my eyes closed in one, Emily's staring into the middle distance in another pic, and I have crazed Walmart greeter smile/eyes in another one.  So it is mostly for my benefit that those pictures remain in the teeny little Nikon Transfer file and nowhere on the internet.  But since I cannot provide you with a picture, here is a song I wrote for Emily and sang to her on the phone, much to her horror.  
Happy birthday to you!
 You are - - +2!
You've been my buddy since first gra-a-a-a-a-ade!
A-a-a-a-a-and we'll be friends 'til our hair fades!

(Which it won't, thanks to small miracles like hair dye for the middle-aged!)
My original plan had been to get as many people as possible to sing her the classic Happy Birthday, like on the bus or in the school lobby, but I decided against it because
a.  I'd rather not talk to the creepy kids in the front lobby.
b.  I don't have anything to call her with.  (Excepting my grand singing voice!)
c.  I dream bigger than I achieve.

I also feel as though the world should know that today is Nick Jonas's 18th birthday.  CONGRATULATIONS EMILY!  YOU SHARE YOUR BIRTHDAY WITH A JONAS!  WOOOO!  
That poor, poor girl.
Because I am lacking a picture of my and my bestie, and I even GOOGLE SEARCHED her in the hopes of finding a picture, please accept this poor subsitute picture of a cat about to eat a small, fluffy bird.
I took a nap today.  And I'm cool enough to admit it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Words to Live By

A  line  is  a..

Dear Noah,
We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.
Love & Rockets,
The Unicorns

"Did it hurt?''  "What?" "When you fell from heaven?" "Awww..." "Because your face is MESSED UP!"
If an orange is called an orange then why isn't a banana called a yellow?!
A few days ago, I found out that the Triceratops might not be a real dinosaur. I almost cried. First they say Pluto is not a planet, now THIS?!

Today, I learned that the guy who plays the voice of Optimus Prime in Transformers is the same guy who plays the voice of Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh. Mind Blown.

To heck with 11:11
i'm gonna go buy myself

2 goldfish and name them
Cosmo and Wanda
Dear Algebra teachers,
finding " X " is for pirates.
Sincerely, The ninjas.

are for

Dear Greenland,
We've successfully deceived the tourists. Good work.

I'm in love with my bed.
But my alarm clock won't let us be together.

 "I love Eminem." 
"The candy?"
"No, the rapper."
What's so cool about M&M wrappers?"

Let's eat Grandma.
Or "Let's eat, Grandma."
Punctuation saves lives!!!
September: full pencil case
June 1: pen that was found on the ground.

Today, I have, for the first time in my life,
finished an entire tube of chapstick before permanently losing it.
I can die happily now.

I attempted to start a real post several times, but ultimately failed.  So you're stuck with this until Thursday.
Tomorrow is...
  • Wednesday
  • Picture Day (exaggerated sigh)
  • Open House night
  • first dance class of the year (ughhhhhhh.  I prefer to get my thirty minutes of daily excercise by typing.  BURN THOSE CALORIES, YOU FINGERS!)  
  • the day after today...  I'm running out of stuff to ramble about.
My favorite song of the week-  Dj Got Us Fallin' in Love WHOA THAT'S WEIRD... AS SOON AS I TYPED IT, IT CAME ONTO THE RADIO.  MUST DANCE!
Last  night I was home alone for awhile, and I proactively used my time to sing into a banana.  I have unbelievable amounts of potential.
Banana's got style!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Promises are Promises

Here I am.  Eating my ceramic ice cream of choice.  It came out rather hot if I do say so myself.  Or cold.  Or whatever.

Just kidding.  BP had an oil spill.

Mom:  What did you learn at school today honey?
Me:  Apparently not enough.  I have to go back tomorrow.