Sunday, March 7, 2010

All that Jazz

"Listen to the music of the moment, people da-ance and sing! We're just one big family! And it's our godforsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, lo-o-oved!"

So it's been a week now, and I figure, "Hey. I should blog about something. But WHAT?" It's really not too hard a question. But since I am choosing to do this right now instead of my ELA 5-paragraph essay, I'll save the part about Sorrell's hockey tournament for some other time when I have some procrastination to do. So yeah, Friday was the dance and I had my buds come on over and we primped and preened and sang off-key! Because that's what girls do, am I right? Sorrell came on over at four, and we brought her SUITCASE upstairs. Mind you, she was not staying overnight. I was staying over HER house, but Sorrell likes having options. Therefore, a suitcase full of options. That's not a bad thing, necessarily. She was better prepared than moi. Catherine came over a half hour later, and we began our hour-long process of girly stuff. Gossiping, singing, gushing ("OMG SORRELL YOUR HAIR LOOKS AWESOME LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"), dancing (I was the only one dancing), worrying, prophesising, the usual. And, per usual, we ate dinner really late (since we're so classy, we only eat classy foods, like mac'n'cheese and pizza), causing us to arrive really late, resulting in our big entrance to the Grand Old Gym. Emphasis on the old. And I partayed my heart and/or brains out, like some freakish crazed teenager. Which, I guess I am. So I danced with my friends, and Jon :-) and shook hands with some odd girls walking around like secret agents, doing the thing where you make a gun with your hands and creep around the room all James Bond-like. Little things make life worthwhile, I guess.
"Jon and I won Students of the Month! Woooooooo us! We got our picture taken for that special bulletin board that has pics of the S.O.T.M.'s, and I bet my eyes came out all squinty. They always do, and the bright flash on that camera didn't help matters. It's so bad that I actually practice smiling so my eyes don't squint. All I get for my efforts though, is huge bug eyes and my trademark Crazy Walmart-Greeter smile (patent pending). :-D"Sorrell


1 comment:

  1. Oh boy, I can't wait for that picture to be put up. No, not really, I probably look in pain with my squinted eyes and my cheesy smile. Oh that'll be an awesome picture, and like you said the flash is not going to make matters better. Oh god. But on the bright side we both won Student of the Month! Go us.



If you comment, I'll give you a muffin! Okay that was a lie. I'll give you a lollipop! Nope, still not right. Hang on... How about I give you a shiny gold star sticker? Grrrrrr, forget it! I never was good at bribery.