Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's Raining Sunshine!!!

"As real as it can
Believe in what you see
Not just in your mind
It’s raining sunshine!"

It's pretty hard to believe that here, in New England, the land of snow and ice and the famed "nor'easter" we have, yes indeed, had a couple of GORGEOUS days. Soon, we'll be having these kinds of days every day. BRING IT ON, MOTHER NATURE!!!!
1. 100% sunshine. A few wispy clouds are acceptable, if I'm in a good mood.
2. It has to be between 60 and 72 degrees. No more, no less.

3. VERY LOW HUMIDITY. A Fantastic Day is easily ruined by sweat.

4. A breeze is always welcomed. Welcome the breeze!
5. No mosquitoes. And/or other biting insects.

6. Several large slices of very juicy, very red watermelon. The kind that runs down your chin and makes you want to jump in a pool to wash it off.

Sounds pretty awesome, right? Just a couple more months until that fantasy becomes reality. I can wait that long. I hope.
This is me riding a fish. I got it for my 3rd birthday and I fit into it perfectly then. A couple of summers ago, Mom sold it to our neighbor who runs a daycare. Me and Rainbow the Fish were reunited at a reunion party at that neighbor's house this past August. You can see where his colorful tail sticker was pulled off. His tail used to be rainbowy. Kids these days. They have no respect for the tails of fish. And that thing in my hand? It's a napkin. IDK why. It's probably best not to ask.

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If you comment, I'll give you a muffin! Okay that was a lie. I'll give you a lollipop! Nope, still not right. Hang on... How about I give you a shiny gold star sticker? Grrrrrr, forget it! I never was good at bribery.