Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chocoholic, Much?

My job, as a blogger, is to provide you with information you find amusing. Even if that information IS somewhat queer. Isn't queer such a nice word? It possesses one of the most uncommon letters in the alphabet, which is indeed a Q, plus, it's fun to say. Say it with me: "Queer. QUEER. QUEEEEEEEEEER." Work on that for me, will ya?
I do believe you will find this information QUITE amusing. (Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Notice the Q?) I am, as some know, a self-confessed chocoholic. And I don't love myself any less for it! Chocolate with peanut butter, chocolate with mint, chocolate-covered strawberries, chocolate covered bananas, chocolate frosting eaten in large QUANTITIES (I am overwhelmed with my Q cleverness right now.), you name it. If it is chocolate and edible, it will be eaten. By moi. Right away.

Hang on a second while I go get something to eat. I'm getting hungry.

Several minutes later-
Who doesn't love bananas? Another fun-to-say, scrumptious food...

I'm getting reallllllllly distracted. Realllllllly easily. Let's fix that.
So I was searching the Internet looking for something interesting to post about. And you know what? I found something very interesting. Something amusing. Something fantastic, incredible, indescribable.....
A 52,020 POUND SLAB OF CHOCOLATE FUDGE. Pure chocolate awesomeness!
Are you drooling yet? ;-)

Largest Slab of Chocolate Fudge Facts

Total Weight : 52020 Pounds
Measured : 36.3 Feet Long, by 8 Feet 3 Inches wide and was 6 Inches Deep
Chocolate : 2811 Pounds of Chocolate
Milk : 309 Gallons of Sweetened Condensed Milk
Butter : 705 Pounds

Whoa. That's a LOT of butter. Imagine how many heart attacks you could cause with that! If you know anyone who can make more fudge than that, give me a call. Because in my head, someone that can make THAT MUCH chocolate in 18 hours is the equivalent of Einstein. Or maybe da Vinci. Possibly Aunt Jemima.

1 comment:

  1. A 52,020 lb. chocolate fudge bar?! How in the world did you find that? Anywho, I was salivating as soon as I saw the picture, mmmmmm scrumpious.



If you comment, I'll give you a muffin! Okay that was a lie. I'll give you a lollipop! Nope, still not right. Hang on... How about I give you a shiny gold star sticker? Grrrrrr, forget it! I never was good at bribery.