Monday, February 8, 2010

I Take It Back!!!

You know how I said "If it is chocolate and edible, it will be eaten. By moi. Right away."? I take it back. This is chocolate covered bacon. I love chocolate. I also enjoy bacon, immensely, I might add. But the salty with the sweet? No thank you. Ugh. The picture is making me nauseous.

1 comment:

  1. BLEH I can't stand bacon. I know, I know, I'm crazy right. But for some reason I don't like bacon, it disgusts me in every way. That's all.



If you comment, I'll give you a muffin! Okay that was a lie. I'll give you a lollipop! Nope, still not right. Hang on... How about I give you a shiny gold star sticker? Grrrrrr, forget it! I never was good at bribery.