Friday, February 26, 2010

Scottish Pen Pal

Hola all you senors and senoritas! Welcome to my blog! For those of you regular visitors-

A. Thank you for being regular visitors.
B. Sorry I've been doing a crummy job of keeping you updated on the Olympics. I've been slightly preoccupied. I'll tell you about my vacation some other day, if that day ever comes around.
Anyways... I was GOING to tell you about my Disney vacation, but there are more pressing matters to be blogged about. And since there's no school today (THANK YOU NEW ENGLAND GODS!) I will tell the tale of my sister's Scottish pen pal.
My sister has a pen pal from Scotland. Therefore making her Scottish. Scotland is the northernmost part of the U.K. Through a program the two schools are doing, (Julia's and her pen pal's) all BLANK grade classes have been assigned a different country to write letters to. And they have been sending letters and Christmas presents for months now, and the latest letter Julia got from her Scottish friend had some information about humans that I thought was really cool. That might just be the nerd in me, but I don't know. What do you think?

Strange Facts About the Human Body
1. When you sneeze, the sneeze comes out at 100 mph, and you ALWAYS close your eyes.
2. Men blink 15,000 times a day, women blink twice that amount (That's 30,000 times for you blondes out there.)
3. Your left lung is smaller than your right to make room for your heart.
4. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.
5. Your fingernails grow twice as fast as your toenails. (VOTE ABOUT YOUR TOES ON THE LEFT SIDEBAR! IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT POLL!)
6. Our eyes are always the same size throughout our entire lives. So when you're 90, your eyes are the same size they were when you were 5.
7. Your mouth produces 1 liter of spit a day.
8. About 50,000 of the cells in your body will have died and been replaced with new cells by the time you finish reading this sentence.
9. You use an average 43 muscles for a frown and 17 muscles for a smile.
10. Every 2,000 frowns creates a wrinkle. (So keep smiling! :-D)
11. Of the 206 bones in your body, 25% of them are in your feet.
12. If you took out all of your blood vessels and stretched them out they would wrap around the equator twice.

Isn't that cool? I thought that the eyeball thing was kind of creepy, but awesome at the same time. I knew the last one, about the blood vessels, but I figure some people might want to be reminded of how much stuff they have inside them. Anyways, I really want a foreign pen pal, because Julia's pen pal uses cool words like "sweeties" instead of candy. I laughed every time Scottish Girl said "I got a bag of sweeties for Christmas! (New Year's, etc., etc.)" And they use "favourite" instead of "favorite". On one of their national holidays they ate "neaps and tatties"!!! ROFL! She says that's "swede and potato" whatever swede is. I think this girl is SO COOL! I wonder how I can contact someone from a different country and casually ask if they want to be pen pals or email buddies without seeming stalkerish.

1 comment:

  1. I wish my pen pals responded! I got 4 a little over a year and two months ago from Australia, Argentina, England, and Italy. Yet NONE responded, stupid program. Oh well I guess I will try again! And I knew that last fact too!


If you comment, I'll give you a muffin! Okay that was a lie. I'll give you a lollipop! Nope, still not right. Hang on... How about I give you a shiny gold star sticker? Grrrrrr, forget it! I never was good at bribery.